EUFACETS in Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 September: SIGNS and REALITIES
EUFACETS at 16th World Congress of th IASS/AIS, in Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 September: SIGNS and REALITIES
EUFACETS has presented the Panel:
Semiotics and the Elderly: Embracing a Semiotic Approach to Understanding an Ageing Society (Federico Bellentani, Massimo Leone)
Here, the communications by the PI and EU FACETS Researchers:
– The Semiotics of Withdrawal in the Digital Era (Massimo Leone)
– Enhancing Social Engagement for Elderly Users through AI Tools in Digital Environments: A Semiotic Perspective (Daria Arkhipova)
– (Ethno) Semio-Design to Treasure the Elderly (Silvia Barbotto)
– Applying semiotics to the Design of Digital Technology for elderly users: the project EUFACETS (Federico Bellentani)
– Picturing Lives: perspectives on Life Stories from Fieldwork experiences among Silver Age (Sara Hejazi)
The Panel has received many proposals, here some experts and semiotician that have participated with us:
Nicolae Sorin Dragan, Didier Tsala Effa, Renata Eisinger and Fabiana Wanrhath Jacopucci, Gunnar
Sandin, Cynthia Luderer